Bathydorus laniger
Kahn, Geller, Reiswig, Smith, 2013
Bathydorus lanigerDescription
Compare with Docosaccus maculatus. Blue-white, a single large central oscula and no small pores visible (there may be other sediment-filled indentations visible but these are not oscula), a relatively dense mass of curled basal spicules.
Geographic Information
Habitat description:
Additional Information
Consulting taxonomist:
Henry Reiswig, University of Victoria, BC.
ReferencesEncyclopedia of LifeTree of Life World Register of Marine Species National Center for Biotechnology Information Kahn, A.S., H.A. Ruhl, and K.L. Smith Jr. (2012). Temporal changes in deep-sea sponge populations are correlated to changes in surface climate and food supply. Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers, 70: 36-41. Kahn, A.S., J.B. Geller, H.M. Reiswig, and K.L. Smith Jr. (2013). Bathydorus laniger and Docosaccus maculatus (Lyssacinosida; Hexactinellida): Two new species of glass sponge from the abyssal eastern North Pacific Ocean. Zootaxa, 3646(4): 386-400.
Bathydorus laniger
(Kahn, Geller, Reiswig, Smith, 2013) Deep-Sea Guide (DSG) at http://dsg/ Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute (MBARI). Consulted on 2024-11-22.