Bathochordaeus charon

Alternate names: larváceo gigante

Author: Chun, 1900


General: Tadpole-like body. Secretes a pair of filters, including a rippled internal filter and a more diffuse outer filter that may be up to 1 meter across. Note the large chambers.

Size: Greater than 50 mm total length.

Geographic Information

Ocean range (global): Worldwide. In northeast Pacific Ocean, known from Oregon and Central California.

Habitat description: Mesopelagic.

Additional Information

Looks like: Bathochordaeus stygius.

Key visual features: Body is larger in size relative to the internal filter compared to B. stygius. Inner mucous filter has fewer chambers than thsoe secreted by B. stygius.


Encyclopedia of Life

Tree of Life

World Register of Marine Species

National Center for Biotechnology Information

Sherlock, R.E., K.R. Walz, and B.H. Robison (2016). The first definitive record of the giant larvacean, Bathochordaeus charon, since its original description in 1900 and a range extension to the northeast Pacific Ocean. Marine Biodiversity Records, 9: 79.

Citation: Bathochordaeus charon (Chun, 1900) Deep-Sea Guide (DSG) at http://dsg/ Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute (MBARI). Consulted on 2024-04-26.
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