Data for Spongodiscidae - Global Region

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Latitude: -90.0000N to 90.0000N

Longitude: -180.0000W to 180.0000W Map of this region

Image Type Region Normalized? Details Description
Histogram Global Yes More Information Sightings of Spongodiscidae from video collected by MBARI's ROVs. Counts from ALL ROVs binned into a day of year vs. depth histogram for the Global region normalized by ROV effort.
Histogram Global Yes More Information Sightings of Spongodiscidae from video collected by MBARI's ROVs. Annotations from all ROVs binned into a depth histogram for the Global region and normalized by ROV effort.
Histogram Global No More Information Sightings of Spongodiscidae from video collected by MBARI's ROVs. Counts from ALL ROVs binned into a depth histogram for the Global region.

These observational data “snapshots” are derived from our Video Annotation and Reference System (VARS) database. These graphs are inclusive of all descendants contained within this node (e.g., the Sebastes Data Products will contain observations of all species in the genus Sebastes). Occurrence data and identifications may be subject to change as observational techniques improve over time. More information: Data Use and Citation.

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